Our Peoplevox <-> Linnworks integration is a tried and tested piece of software, offering a reliable mechanism that: replicates accurate product details between the two systems, ensures all product reference numbers are unique, maintains stock and sales updates between the two, pushes purchase orders from Linnworks to Peoplevox, returns tracking and shipping info and accurate reporting.
As official partners of Peoplevox, we’re also able to offer you a smooth implementation process; whether you are an existing Peoplevox customer, preparing to onboard or considering Peoplevox as your next software upgrade. We can also integrate Peoplevox with all of your chosen couriers.
Working closely with Peoplevox means we are very familiar with their software build and how they might interact with your Linnworks system in predictable and non-predictable ways. We can also collaborate with Peoplevox very quickly should a mutual issue arise or require investigation.
Our Linnybox to Peoplevox integration comes with a web-based management and reporting platform. Here you can view statistics on what has been transferred, when the transfer happened and if there are pending items which need to be updated e.g. new products. The user can manually force updates and others show when they will next automatically run.
We offer support via an email ticketing system which goes directly to our developers, telephone support and live assistance, meaning we can fix any issues or apply upgrades via a remote PC connection.
- The transfer of product information from Linnworks to Peoplevox
- Updating stock levels from Peoplevox to Linnworks
- Moving sales data from Linnworks to Peoplevox
- Updating tracking information from Peoplevox to Linnworks
- Manual push-button for purchase orders from Linnworks to Peoplevox
Peoplevox offers the slickest web and mobile warehouse management software on the market and we partner with them to create impeccable integrations that the eCommerce industry is crying out for. This is good news for businesses who want to upgrade their warehouse to a Peoplevox system with the requirement that other supporting software such as Linnworks can be integrated as smoothly as possible within the Peoplevox implementation period. If you have some software you need to be integrated with Peoplevox please get in touch, and to speak with Peoplevox directly we’ll refer you to the right contact.
Not a Peoplevox Customer?
Check out our bespoke integrations section if you’re looking for a new integration that we don’t currently advertise. We can integrate couriers, marketing places, sales platforms and other software tools for your website. If you’re interested in exploring Peoplevox as your Warehouse Management Software upgrade, we’re more than happy to put you in touch with our best contacts there and assist in discussions regarding how a Shipster integration could bridge Peoplevox with your other software(s).
Why Choose Shipster?
Shipster is tried and trusted by many eCommerce customers who were motivated to update their software with the goal of cutting costs, finding more flexibility in the way their software is automated and integrating new pieces of software to enhance their current system. Our pricing is very transparent and if you’re shipping with us, we will not charge you per label. We offer support packages that include regular software updates, telephone support and remote live assistance on your PCs for on-the-spot troubleshooting.
We’re always writing new eCommerce integrations, especially for the growing number of couriers that our clients want to ship with all over the world. Always get in touch if there’s an integration you need some help with; we may already be working on it or able to add it as a new build on our schedule.
We can write new integrations for £1400 each or completely free if you’re not in a rush and happy for the work to wait on our development schedule. New integrations are beneficial to both us and our customers so it makes sense to us that we keep on building!
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