01 Nov 2023 By By Hayley Cowburn
To ensure everything runs smoothly during the Black Friday period, we will be putting a temporary freeze on shipping rule changes. If you have any changes you would like us to make to your shipping rules, please submit them to our support team before 12:00 GMT on Monday 20th November.
This freeze will be in effect for all rule changes up to and including Wednesday 29th November. If you have any emergency changes you need to implement during the freeze period, please contact us and we will do everything we can to assist but we cannot guarantee implementation during this time.
Remember to activate any extra licences you'll need for Black Friday ahead of time on the Shipster Control Panel. If you need assistance, the Shipster support team is ready to help.
📞 0330 113 2082
📧 support@shipstersolutions.com
Black Friday falls on Friday, November 24th this year.
Our support telephone line, email support, and ticketing system will be open as usual.
To get the most efficient help, we always advise that you provide:
‣ Description of the issue
‣ The sales order number/despatch number
‣ The error message
‣ Name of the computer being used
‣ The relevant contact info
We wish you a hugely successful Black Friday and will be right here ready if you need any help with your Shipster software!
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